True, Health is wealth. Organizing games is a key tool for good health. To ensure a healthy lifestyle regular physical activities, Sports, jogging, running, are pre-requisites. There are plenty of positive effects of engaging in these activities. For instance, these activities play a vital role to reduce body fat or control your body weight. More than that, sports can also help you to fight depression and anxiety. Simply put, sports are mandatory to keep you healthy, and lively. A Sports club allows you to have all the sporting facilities in one place.
Before moving on, here are some questions which are required to let the idea germinate into your head in a better way. First, are you doing any sport these days? Second, which sport/sports are you doing? Do you think these sports keep you healthy? If answers of these questions are YES, then it’s awesome. However, if answers of these questions are NO, then you need to reconsider your schedule and must add at least one sport in your daily routine. Assuming that you have decided to start doing sports regularly, the question arises where should you head towards to do it? Any place which offers proper facilities.
The answer is; sports clubs located near your residence (proximity to residence is also important so you can be regular). It is a thumb rule that if distance will be more, fewer people will visit the sport club and vice versa. So, if you need to attract people for sports activities then provision of sports clubs are necessary. These sports clubs may be dedicated to a single sport or to several (multi-sport club).
When it comes to residential societies, only a few developers even think about providing a sports club. Most of the developers – especially in Pakistan – are limited to building giant building blocks as their main purpose is to maximize profit.
They always try to generate maximum saleable area (Residential/commercial/apartments, etc.). However, this is one side of the coin as some developers have a different perspective. They believe that serving the community – residents – is much more important than to make money. It is a given that any commercial business exists to make money but few exist to make money yet maximize value for money for the customers.
Fortunately, ZAITOON New Lahore City is among one of them. After a track road of successful commercial and residential projects (including Central Point Plaza, Lucky Center, Landmark Plaza, Japan Centre etc.), a welfare project (ZAITOON MEHMAN), and one of the biggest residential projects of Pakistan a.k.a New Lahore City) now management of ZAITOON is ready to launch ZAITOON sports Club in the vicinity of their flagship project New Lahore City.
The purpose of this club is to provide a quality place for physical activities within the society. Its aim is not only to facilitate the residents but to make ZAITOON New Lahore City a self-sustained housing project. ZAITOON sports club will be characterized by football ground, basketball court, volleyball court, cycling pathways, and tennis ground, lifestyle features such as fine dining etc. Here are the details of each feature characterized by ZAITOON sports club.
(NOTE: This is the tentative plan of ZAITOON Sports Club. It could be changed as per demand of the customers)
Football Ground:
As per standards, the ground area will be 105 by 68 metres (7,140 square metres which is around 1.75 acres). The ground will not only facilitate the residents at day time, but it will also be illuminated at night with LED lights.
Basketball Court
A basketball court will be provided to entertain basketball lovers. The dimensions of the court will be according to the standards of National Basket Ball Association (NBA). It will be an international standard court measuring 94 feet by 50 feet. The management intends to make it a wooden court with highly polished and fine maple wood.
Volleyball Court
This will be an indoor volleyball court. This court will be of 59 inches in length with a width of 29 feet and 6 inches. Alike basketball court, resilient wood flooring will be provided the volleyball court. It will be a great source of fun for the residents (families) of ZAITOON New Lahore City.
Cycling Pathway
It is rightly said that cycling can help to protect you from serious diseases such as stroke, heart attack, some cancers, depression, diabetes, obesity and arthritis. Riding a cycle is healthy, fun and a low-impact form of exercise for all ages. Moreover, a combination of a healthy diet and regular cycling is the most effective way to lose weight and maintain it. In short, cycling is a great workout to add to your fitness. To keep all these perspectives in mind, the management has decided to provide a cycling pathway round ZAITOON Club with a length 1 km (distance of a complete circle).
Tennis Ground
An outdoor tennis court will also be built. It will be a firm rectangular surface with a low net stretched across the centre. The same surface will be use to play both doubles and singles matches.
ZAITOON hopes that provision of the ZAITOON Sports club will be a great initiative to facilitate the residents in the best possible way. WELL DONE ZAITOON!